Join the biggest invitation-only event for VC fund managers in Central & Eastern
Europe 25-26 March 2025 / Warsaw

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CEE VC Summit 2025 is an invitation-only 2-day event for 200+ GPs and selected LPs to strengthen regional relations, exchange valuable insights, and bridge the gap with more mature VC ecosystems.

Chris Wade
Co-Founder & Partner, Isomer Capital
"The CEE VC Summit is one of the best conferences to understand this important region of Europe. The participant VC's are "THE" VC's of the region and the Summit attracts impressive speakers from Silicon Valley, London, and dialogue is thoughtful and vibrant."
James Black
Partner, IVP
"When I attend summits like this, I focus on two things: the content—are panels discussing relevant topics, and is there a sense of the current zeitgeist? And that was definitely covered, especially with the exclusive presence of VCs, which made for fantastic discussions. Secondly, I evaluate whether the event attracts high-quality individuals from the ecosystem. This event checked the box. I had the pleasure of forging numerous exciting new connections, and I'm sure we'll continue a lot of conversations moving forward."
Staffan Helgesson
General Partner, Creandum
"Creandum is a pan-European firm with its roots in the Nordics. And when we look at CEE today, we see something very similar to the Nordics, but maybe 15 or 20 years back. The amount of people here, the ambition, the technical talent is amazing. And I think what this summit has managed to do is bring almost all of the relevant people and investors into one location."
Patrick Schneider-Sikorsky
Partner, NATO Innovation Fund
"It's fantastic to connect with so many other regional VCs. Attending the event allowed me to get a greater exposure to the whole ecosystem and meet with many of my peers. I really look forward to following up with them and attending your next event in the future. It's very complementary to our mission. Thank you so much, and thank you for organizing some fantastic panels."
Marvin Liao
Partner, Diaspora Ventures
"It's a great conference, great speakers, and I met many really cool people. So I hope I get invited back."
Valeri Petrov
Partner, Eleven Ventures
"The CEE VC Summit is undoubtedly one of the best gatherings in Central and Eastern Europe. You can meet the whole representation of the CEE ecosystem in one room, and the opportunity to connect with peers, and LPs makes it incredibly valuable. I truly appreciated the experience."
Maciej Gnutek
General Partner, Credo Ventures
"The Central Eastern European region is at a pivotal point with the industry booming, and plenty of activity underway. The CEE VC Summit is truly the place to be; it's where everyone gathers, from regional investors to those from around the globe. I highly recommend attending, networking, building relationships, and doing business together here at the CEE VC Summit."
Maximilian Schausberger
Managing Director, Elevator Ventures
"Central and Eastern Europe has an amazing innovation potential, we all know that, but with the CEE VC Summit, it becomes clear that also the capital is now focusing on the region. I met amazing investors today, and I can only recommend everyone to participate in the next edition of the CEE VC Summit."
Amine Chabane
Principal, EBRD Venture Capital
"The CEE VC Summit is a great way to get to know the ecosystem in one location. If you want to know the CEE ecosystem, Vestbee event is the place to be."
Cristian Munteanu
Founder & Managing Partner, Early Game Ventures
"This is my second time at the CE VC Summit, and in my opinion, this is the most productive VC-dedicated event I have ever attended."
Richard Illes
Investment Director, OXO Ventures
"It's a well-organized conference with a fantastic opportunity to connect and network with other regional VCs. Exploring the portfolios of fellow VCs provides valuable insights into their current challenges and the positive aspects of these challenging times."
Radoslaw Rejman
Partner, Movens Capital
"I find this event incredibly valuable, with engaging panel discussions and actionable takeaways. The networking opportunities were particularly strong, and I'll definitely be taking what I've learned back home with me. I look forward to returning next year, and I highly recommend others join."
Mike Sigal
Founder, Sigal Ventures
"I've been told about the exciting evolution of the CEE region in recent years. Finally attending the CEE VC Summit, I see the energy of the ecosystem, the vibrancy, the promise. It's been an incredible opportunity to build relationships here, and I feel truly blessed to have been a part of it. Thank you so much."
Adam Hashchyshyn
Principal, Roosh Ventures
"The CEE VC Summit is unique because it's exclusively attended by VCs, so it's very interesting and chill. The organization is great, and I strongly recommend the Vestbee event to all VCs."
Roman Novacek
Partner, Presto Ventures
"I like the CEE VC Summit for its well-organized meetings and the presence of relevant individuals to meet with. For anyone seeking exposure to the region, this event is the perfect place to be."
Tomas Vanco
Global Investment Manager, Taiwania Capital
"I must say it's one of the best events for the CEE VC community (...) to meet fellow VCs."
Andrew Gray
Partner, Tilia Impact Ventures
"This is my second time attending the CEE VC Summit. I think it's a fantastic nexus of getting together not only for regional investors but also for more and more investors coming from outside the region. It's an excellent opportunity to get inspired and insight into what's unfolding, guiding our portfolio companies toward their future."
Elena Mazuha
Partner, Flyer One Ventures
"The CEE VC Summit is one of the best events for funds coming from outside the CEE region to learn more about the local ecosystem and understand the dynamics of startups in this region. The Vestbee event is great for establishing valuable connections and a very concentrated network in CEE. It's one of my favorite events, so I highly recommend the CEE VC Summit."
Ozge Oz
Partner, QNBeyond Ventures
"The event was truly amazing. I met a lot of great fellow investors and attended many insightful and inspiring sessions. I believe all investors should come to this event. It was my first time here, and although I couldn't make it before, I plan to return in the coming years because I've enjoyed it so much."
Pawel Maj
VC Investor
"It's the best place for connecting and networking with local, regional, and global fund managers, facilitating the exchange of ideas, experiences, and industry insights."
Peter Sandberg
Founding Partner & Managing Director, Nordic Secondary Fund
"By far the best GP/VC event I have attended in the past 5 years."
Nioclas Bretscher
Relationship Manager, Genesis
"It was a very cool mix of more established and very emerging VCs from the CEE - very interesting & super smart individuals and great from our perspective to gain more insights on the Landscape & what people are up to nowadays! Looking forward to next year's edition!"


Ewa Chronowska, Next Road VenturesEwa ChronowskaCEO, Vestbee & General Partner, Next Road Ventures
Chris Wade, Isomer CapitalChris WadeCo-founder & Partner, Isomer Capital
Marcus Börner, AlphaQMarcus BörnerFounding Partner, AlphaQ
Pawel Chudzinski, Point NinePawel ChudzinskiPartner, Point Nine
Rick Hao, SpeedinvestRick HaoPartner, Speedinvest
Dan Lupu, EarlybirdDan LupuVenture Partner, Earlybird
Marcin Hejka, OTB VenturesMarcin HejkaGeneral Partner, OTB Ventures
Bakhrom Ibragimov, Molten VenturesBakhrom IbragimovPartner, Molten Ventures
Pedro Santos Vieira, 500 GlobalPedro Santos VieiraPartner, 500 Global
Maciej Cwikiewicz, PFR VenturesMaciej CwikiewiczCEO, PFR Ventures
Patric Gresko, EIFPatric GreskoHead of Divison, EIF
Jan Habermann, Credo VenturesJan HabermannGeneral Partner, Credo Ventures
Sten Tamkivi, PluralSten TamkiviPartner, Plural
Marcin Kurek, Market One CapitalMarcin KurekGeneral Partner, Market One Capital
Ozan Sonmez, MoltenOzan SonmezPartner, Molten
Bartlomiej Samsonowicz, PFR VenturesBartlomiej SamsonowiczInvestment Director, PFR Ventures
Alice Besomi, Eurazeo - Venture Smart CityAlice BesomiManaging Director, Eurazeo - Venture Smart City
Markus Grundman, SenovoMarkus GrundmanPartner, Senovo
Eva Arh, 3VCEva ArhPartner, 3VC
Jakob Stein, CreandumJakob SteinVice President, Creandum
Jone Vaituleviciute, FIRSTPICKJone VaituleviciuteManaging Partner, FIRSTPICK
Numan Numan, 212Numan NumanGeneral Partner, 212
Michal Rokosz, InovoMichal RokoszPartner, Inovo
Tony Nysten, OpenOceanTony NystenPartner, OpenOcean
Tatjana Zabasu Mikuz, South Central VenturesTatjana Zabasu MikuzGeneral Partner, South Central Ventures
Radu Georgescu, Gecad VenturesRadu GeorgescuFounding Partner, Gecad Ventures
Rumen Iliev, LAUNChubRumen IlievPartner, LAUNChub
Wojciech Ratymirski, Radix VenturesWojciech RatymirskiGeneral Partner, Radix Ventures
Nader Sabbaghian, 360 CapitalNader SabbaghianPartner, 360 Capital
Petr Šmid, Rockaway VenturesPetr ŠmidPartner, Rockaway Ventures
Miriama Hanout, Venture to Future FundMiriama HanoutBoard Member, Venture to Future Fund
Leon Podobedov, hi5 VenturesLeon PodobedovGeneral Partner, hi5 Ventures
Louis Geoffroy-Terryn, DealroomLouis Geoffroy-TerrynHead of Research Ops, Dealroom
Katarzyna Pac-Malesa, 3TS Capital PartnersKatarzyna Pac-MalesaInvestment Director, 3TS Capital Partners
Julia Flaig, Join CapitalJulia FlaigPrincipal, Join Capital
Maciej Zawadzinski, Hard2BeatMaciej ZawadzinskiGeneral Partner, Hard2Beat
Marta Mrozowicz, Heal CapitalMarta MrozowiczPrincipal, Heal Capital
Gregor Rebolj, Silicon GardensGregor ReboljGeneral Partner, Silicon Gardens
Martin Koppel, 2C VenturesMartin KoppelFounding Partner, 2C Ventures
Labinot Brahimi, Forestay VCLabinot BrahimiVice President, Forestay VC
Magdalena Chalas, Elevator VenturesMagdalena ChalasInvestment Manager, Elevator Ventures
Justinas Milasauskas, WillgrowJustinas MilasauskasInvestment Manager, Willgrow
Giuseppe Lacerenza, Keen Venture PartnerGiuseppe LacerenzaPartner, Keen Venture Partner
Kristjan Laanemaa, Karma VenturesKristjan LaanemaaFounding Partner, Karma Ventures
Maciej Gnutek, Credo VenturesMaciej GnutekGeneral Partner, Credo Ventures
Adam Niewinski, OTBAdam NiewinskiGeneral Partner, OTB
Diana Koziarska, SMOK VenturesDiana KoziarskaPartner, SMOK Ventures
Daniel Tomov, Eleven VenturesDaniel TomovPartner, Eleven Ventures
Bozena Adamczyk, Truffle CapitalBozena AdamczykPartner, Truffle Capital
Masayuki Ohta, ff VCMasayuki OhtaPartner, ff VC
Dmitrij Sosunov, FIRSTPICKDmitrij SosunovPartner, FIRSTPICK
Mira Mihaylova, Piton CapitalMira MihaylovaPartner, Piton Capital
Marton Medveczky, Flashpoint VCMarton MedveczkyAssociate Partner, Flashpoint VC
Adam Kocik, J&T VenturesAdam KocikManaging Partner, J&T Ventures
Rondo Rannus, Siena Venture Partners Rando RannusPartner, Siena Venture Partners
Simone Riva Violetta, PartechSimone Riva ViolettaSenior Principal, Partech
Marcus Erken, Sunfish PartnersMarcus ErkenFounding Partner, Sunfish Partners
Valeri Petrov, Eleven VenturesValeri PetrovPartner, Eleven Ventures
Dag Ainsoo, Startup Wise GuysDag AinsooGeneral Partner, Startup Wise Guys
Andreas Nemeth, Scaleup InvestorAndreas NemethScaleup Investor
Csaba Kakosy, Day1 CapitalCsaba KakosyManaging Partner. Day1 Capital
Sylwester Janik, Cogito CapitalSylwester JanikGeneral Partner, Cogito Capital
Wiktor Namysl, Orbit CapitalWiktor NamyslPartner, Orbit Capital
Ervin Luga, EBRDErvin LugaHead of Venture Capital Investments, EBRD
Elemer Eszter, Impact VenturesElemer EszterManaging Partner, Impact Ventures
Adam Rudowski, Level2 VenturesAdam RudowskiManaging Partner, Level2 Ventures
Kyle Ukho, Roosh VenturesKyle UkhoGeneral Partner, Roosh Ventures
Jerzy Rozlucki, Orbit CapitalJerzy RozluckiPartner, Orbit Capital
Pavel Petrek, Tilia Impact VenturesPavel PetrekPartner, Tilia Impact Ventures
Dominykas Stankevicius, Taiwania CapitalDominykas StankeviciusGlobal Investment Manager, Taiwania Capital
Wojciech Majewski, Simpact VenturesWojciech MajewskiPartner, Simpact Ventures
Dariusz Zuk, AIP SeedDariusz ZukCEO, AIP Seed
Elena Mazhuha, Flyer One VenturesElena MazhuhaPartner, Flyer One Ventures
Oguzhan Ozer, Bek VenturesOguzhan OzerPartner, Bek Ventures
Patrick Schneider-Sikorsky, NATO Innovation FundPatrick Schneider-SikorskyPartner, NATO Innovation Fund
Bartek Pucek, Angel InvestorBartek PucekAngel Investor, AI Expert
Dan Calugareanu, Early Game VenturesDan CalugareanuPartner, Early Game Ventures
Elina Halatcheva, Brightcap VenturesElina HalatchevaManaging Partner, Brightcap Ventures
Pawel Maj, Business Angel & AdvisorPawel MajBusiness Angel & Advisor
Marcin Laczynski, VestbeeMarcin LaczynskiHead of Investments, Vestbee
Cristian Munteanu, Early Game VenturesCristian MunteanuManaging Partner, Early Game Ventures
Marcin P. Kowalik, BalnordMarcin P. KowalikGeneral Partner, Balnord
Vojta Rocek, Presto VenturesVojta RocekPartner, Presto Ventures
Michal Bas, VentureFriendsMichal BasPrincipal, VentureFriends
Szymon Syp. SSK&WSzymon SypPartner, SSK&W
Tytus Cytowski, Cytowski & PartnersTytus CytowskiFounder & Partner, Cytowski & Partners
Marjolein Daamen, Pan-InvestMarjolein DaamenDirector of Funds, Pan-Invest
Dennis Kramer, Pan-InvestDennis KramerManaging Director, Pan-Invest
Mateusz Rampold, StariaMateusz RampoldSenior Sales Executive, Staria
Ivan Iakovenko, StariaIvan IakovenkoSenior Sales Executive, Staria
Adam Csuhai, Principal, Lead VenturesAdam CsuhaiPrincipal, Lead Ventures
Tomasz Danis, Navivo CapitalTomasz DanisManaging Partner, Navivo Capital
Zdenek Fred Fous, PurposeTech VCZdenek Fred FousGeneral Partner, PurposeTech VC
Konstantin Zapoliansky, Zubr CapitalKonstantin ZapolianskySenior Investment Director, Zubr Capital
Gabriel Matuschka, Fly VCGabriel MatuschkaPartner, Fly VC


Agenda Day 1

09:00-10:00 am/Networking

Registration & Coffee

10:00-10:05 am/Keynote speech/Live stream

CEE VC Summit Kick-off

Ewa Chronowska, VestbeeEwa ChronowskaCEO, Vestbee & General Partner, Next Road Ventures
10:05-10:20 am/Presentation/Live stream

CEE Ecosystem in Numbers - Report

Louis Geoffroy-Terryn, DealroomLouis Geoffroy-TerrynHead of Research Ops, Dealroom
10:20-10:55 am/Panel Discussion/Live stream

Shaping CEE's Future: Emerging Trends and Hurdles for 2025 and Beyond

Marcin Laczynski, VestbeeMarcin LaczynskiHead of Investments, Vestbee
Sylwester Janik, Cogito CapitalSylwester JanikGeneral Partner, Cogito Capital
Andreas Nemeth, Scaleup InvestorAndreas NemethScaleup Investor
Maciej Cwikiewicz, PFR VenturesMaciej CwikiewiczCEO, PFR Ventures
Marcin Hejka, OTB VenturesMarcin HejkaGeneral Partner, OTB Ventures
10:55-11:30 am/Panel Discussion

Breaking Barriers: Availability of Growth Capital and the Survival Rate of CEE Startups

Labinot Brahimi, Forestay VCLabinot BrahimiVice President, Forestay VC
Dan Lupu, EarlybirdDan LupuVenture Partner, Earlybird
Eva Arh, 3VCEva ArhPartner, 3VC
Bakhrom Ibragimov, Molten VenturesBakhrom IbragimovPartner, Molten Ventures
Marton Medveczky, Flashpoint VCMarton MedveczkyAssociate Partner, Flashpoint VC
11:30-12:00 pm/Networking

🍪 Coffee Break

12:00-12:30 pm/Panel Discussion

Seeding Success or Setting Up for Struggle? The Evolution and Impact of CEE Early-Stage VCs on Startups

Adam Csuhai, Principal, Lead VenturesAdam CsuhaiPrincipal, Lead Ventures
Bozena Adamczyk, Truffle CapitalBozena AdamczykPartner, Truffle Capital
Adam Kocik, J&T VenturesAdam KocikManaging Partner, J&T Ventures
Valeri Petrov, Eleven VenturesValeri PetrovPartner, Eleven Ventures
Cristian Munteanu, Early Game VenturesCristian MunteanuManaging Partner, Early Game Ventures
12:30-1:00 pm/Panel Discussion

Unicorn Makers: Transforming Startups into Global Leaders

Oguzhan Ozer, Bek VenturesOguzhan OzerPartner, Bek Ventures
Jan Habermann, Credo VenturesJan HabermannGeneral Partner, Credo Ventures
Pedro Santos Vieira, 500 GlobalPedro Santos VieiraPartner, 500 Global
Sten Tamkivi, PluralSten TamkiviPartner, Plural
Dag Ainsoo, Startup Wise GuysDag AinsooGeneral Partner, Startup Wise Guys
1:00-2:15 pm/Networking

🍱 Lunch

2:15-2:45 pm/Fireside chat

Small Funds, Big Impact: How Niche VC Funds Compete and Thrive Against Industry Giants

Marcin Laczynski, VestbeeMarcin LaczynskiHead of Investments, Vestbee
Chris Wade, Isomer CapitalChris WadeCo-founder & Partner, Isomer Capital
2:45-3:15 pm/Panel Discussion

LP Lens: Picking & Diligencing First-Time and Emerging Managers

Marcin Laczynski, VestbeeMarcin LaczynskiHead of Investments, Vestbee
Marcus Börner, AlphaQMarcus BörnerFounding Partner, AlphaQ
Patric Gresko, EIFPatric GreskoHead of Divison, EIF
Bartlomiej Samsonowicz, PFR VenturesBartlomiej SamsonowiczInvestment Director, PFR Ventures
Nicolas Bretscher, GenesisNicolas BretscherDirector, Genesis
3:15-3:45 pm/Networking

🍪 Coffee Break

3:45-4:30 pm/Fireside Chat

The Top Tier VC Journey: From Building a Fund to Backing the Best Startups

Ewa Chronowska, Next Road VenturesEwa ChronowskaCEO, Vestbee & General Partner, Next Road Ventures
Pawel Chudzinski, Point NinePawel ChudzinskiPartner, Point Nine
5:30-11:30 pm/Networking

🥂 Investors Dinner


Agenda Day 2

9:15-10:00 am/Networking

Good morning: Coffee and Light Refreshments

10:00-10:30 am/Panel Discussion

VCs and Defence Tech: Can CEE Play a Meaningful Role in Development of Dual-Use Technologies

Rozalia Urbanek, PFR VenturesRozalia UrbanekInvestment Director, PFR Ventures
Marcus Erken, Sunfish PartnersMarcus ErkenFounding Partner, Sunfish Partners
Patrick Schneider-Sikorsky, NATO Innovation FundPatrick Schneider-SikorskyPartner, NATO Innovation Fund
Giuseppe Lacerenza, Keen Venture PartnerGiuseppe LacerenzaPartner, Keen Venture Partner
Marcin P. Kowalik, BalnordMarcin P. KowalikGeneral Partner, Balnord
10:30-11:00 am/Panel Discussion

The Next Wave of Innovation in Deep Tech: What Should Investors Watch For?

Marta Mrozowicz, Heal CapitalMarta MrozowiczPrincipal, Heal Capital
Jone Vaituleviciute, FIRSTPICKJone VaituleviciuteManaging Partner, FIRSTPICK
Nader Sabbaghian, 360 CapitalNader SabbaghianPartner, 360 Capital
Adam Niewinski, OTBAdam NiewinskiGeneral Partner, OTB
Wojciech Ratymirski, Radix VenturesWojciech RatymirskiGeneral Partner, Radix Ventures
11:00-11:30 am/Panel Discussion

How to Find Alpha at Seed

Magda Posluszny, PartechMagda PoslusznyPrincipal, Partech
Jakob Stein, CreandumJakob SteinVice President, Creandum
Diana Koziarska, SMOK VenturesDiana KoziarskaPartner, SMOK Ventures
Marcin Kurek, Market One CapitalMarcin KurekGeneral Partner, Market One Capital
Elina Halatcheva, Brightcap VenturesElina HalatchevaManaging Partner, Brightcap Ventures
11:30-12:00 pm/Networking

🍪 Coffee Break

12:00-12:30 pm/Panel Discussion

Exits in CEE: When, Who, and How

Michal Bas, VentureFriendsMichal BasPrincipal, VentureFriends
Rondo Rannus, Siena Secondary Fund Rando RannusPartner, Siena Secondary Fund
Markus Grundman, SenovoMarkus GrundmanPartner, Senovo
Magdalena Chalas, Elevator VenturesMagdalena ChalasInvestment Manager, Elevator Ventures
Justinas Milasauskas, WillgrowJustinas MilasauskasInvestment Manager, Willgrow
12:30-1:00 pm/Panel Discussion

Flipping to the US

Mira Mihaylova, Piton CapitalMira MihaylovaPartner, Piton Capital
Dariusz Zuk, AIP SeedDariusz ZukCEO, AIP Seed
Peter Sandberg, Nordic Secondary FundPeter SandbergFounding Partner, Nordic Secondary Fund
Numan Numan, 212Numan NumanManaging Partner, 212
Elena Mazhuha, Flyer One VenturesElena MazhuhaPartner, Flyer One Ventures
1:00-1:15 pm/Keynote speech

Fueling Growth with less dillution: The Rise of Debt Funding in Venture Capital

Jerzy Rozlucki, Orbit CapitalJerzy RozluckiPartner, Orbit Capital
Lukas Macko, Orbit CapitalLukas MackoPartner, Orbit Capital
1:15-2:00 pm/Networking

🍱 Lunch

2:00-2:30 pm/Panel Discussion

Angel Investors & VC Funds: Unlocking Synergies for Greater Value Creation

Pawel Maj, Business Angel & AdvisorPawel MajBusiness Angel & Advisor
Bartek Pucek, Angel InvestorBartek PucekAngel Investor, AI Expert
Luiza Nowacka, Vinci S.A.Luiza NowackaInvestment Manager, Vinci S.A.
Marcin Laczynski, VestbeeMarcin LaczynskiHead of Investments, Vestbee
Petr Sima, DEPO VenturesPetr SimaFounder & Partner, DEPO Ventures
2:30 pm/Networking



PRF Ventures logoEIF logoDealroom logoCogito Capital Partners logoOTB logoEarly Game Ventures logoOrbit Capital logoInvest Estonia logoPan-Invest logoStaria logoCytowski&Partners logosskw logo

Selected Investors

Isomer Capital logoAlphaQ logoMolten logoSpeedinvest logoCreandum logoPoint Nine logoSoftbank logoKAYA VC logoEarlybird logo500 Global logoBek Ventures logoKarma VC logoCredo Ventures logoTruffle Capital logoMarket One Capital logoSMOK VC logoEurazeo logoGoogle Ventures logo3VC logoLead Ventures logoFIRSTPICK logopitoncap logoOpen Ocean logoflashpoint logohedosophia logoSenovo logoHTGF logo360 Capital logoBrightcap Ventures logoKeen Venture Partner logo2C Ventures logoTruffle Capital logoForestay VC logoFIRSTPICK logoSilicon Gardens logoFly VC logoHard2Beat logoAlpana Ventures logoGecad Ventures logoPurple Ventures logoCatalyst Romania logohi5 Ventures logoRockaway Ventures logoSiena logo3ts capital logoFF VC logoJ&T Ventures logoElevator Ventures logoStartup Wise Guys logoFlyer One Ventures logoVenture To Future Fund logoLaunchub logoCusp Capital logoVenture Friends logoBrightcap Ventures logoEleven logoDay One Capital logooxo holdings logoPartech logoNato Innovation FundGenesis logo212 logoSunfish Partners logoFortech Ivestments logoInfraVia logoSouth Central Ventures logoBalnord logoRadix logoPurposeTech VC logoPortfolion logoPlural logoheal capital logoEBRD logoImpact Ventures logoRoosh Ventures logoLevel 2 Ventures logoTilia Impact Ventures logoTaiwania Capital logoAIP Seed logoNordic Secondary Fund logoNCBR Investment Fund ASI logo
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